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Role of municipalities in urban landscaping has been increasing day by day. Today urban
landscaping . beauti¿cation haYe become one oI primary duties oI municipalities Zhile
their scope oI Zorks is mainly limited to basic city reTuirements such as transportation
inIrastructure Zorks Zaste management at the beginning and mid oI 0th century. Such
a Zidening in scope oI municipalities has brought a big diYersi¿cation in municipal supplies.
M81(4 has been established to reply this diYersi¿ed municipal supply reTuirements. ,n
this sense M81(4 has been proYiding integrated solutions Ior municipal contractors in
city beauti¿cation and landscaping including IolloZing supplies
%enches Seats Tables
*azebos 3ergolas
,ndoor 2utdoor :aste /itter and 5ecycle %ins
2utside )itness (Tuipment
/ed /ighting Stones %ordures )urnitures
Manhole &oYers
Traϒc Signs
%us Stations
Thanks to its creatiYe and innoYatiYe product portIolio M81(4 could also serYe Zide
range oI diϑerent sectors apart Irom municipalities such as construction companies
landscaping contractors shopping malls construction markets and local distributors. ,n
this sense M81(4 has the capacity oI deliYering orders composed oI diϑerent product
types in all oYer the Zorld no matter Zhat the order Tuantity is.
M81(4 products are manuIactured Irom diϑerent raZ materials Zith high Tuality
as per customer needs. %y taking product type usage area climate conditions and
characteristics oI the region on Zhich the units Zill be installed into consideration M81(4
has capacity capability oI supplying Zooden composite ¿berglass metal stainless
steel and polyethylene units.
Since M81(4 has Yery big Àe[ibility Yariety in its supply chain any kind oI speci¿c
product can be manuIactured as per customer design and priYate labelling is possible Ior
any kind oI orders.